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1/20/2002 muhgcee Damn it . . . some things with computers just make no sense at all to me. I am sitting here typing paragraph #3 of my first post in over a month, go to take my hand from the mouse to the spoon to get another bite of ice cream, and what happens? I HIT ONE KEY! That one key somehow manages to erase everything I just typed! That makes no sense at all . . . its not like I had it highlighted or something. I remember one time, when I was about to sit down at my computer. I take my jacket off. As I am taking it off, the zipper swings and hits a button on the mouse. What pops up? An installation for AOL! Now, how the hell can that happen? Argh . . . as I said, I just don't understand some things about computers sometimes.

I was about to not retype all the stuff I just typed up until tomorrow, but I realized I don't have anything better to do for a good hour, so why not.

Anyway, as I was saying before, when I was typing this before that is, I just got back from my snowboarding trip in New York. It was a blast. Quite relaxing too. I really needed that trip after the year I've had. Now, I've got a week to get ready for my new job and the new semester.

Incase you were wondering, my new job is doing computer phone support at UMBC. I am looking forward to it; it will be a nice change from my previous job at the shit-stain excuse for a restaurant called Ruby Tuesday.

Talking about new stuff, I have a new website called OpticalDelusions. There, you will find pictures like this:

But, honestly, there are many more pictures of my friends and inanimate objects than myself. I was going to wait until tomorrow or Tuesday to tell you all about this, but then I realized that "you all" consists of Ben and maybe one or two other people. To you 1-3 people: Check back at OpticalDelusions in about 2 days when I have a bunch of new pictures up from my snowboarding trip and a few other things. As I get my weekly routine worked out for next semester, I can see myself posting on here more often. 33% of the reason is because I will bug you to check out my latest pictures at OpticalDelusions. 33% of the reason is to entertain myself by making myself believe that I am entertaining all of you. And 33% of the reason is to stay in touch with Ben. What the other 1% is, you all may never know. Unless, of course, you stay tuned into beneasilyamuseshimself.tricom.pod.

1/17/2002 ben so, in the tradition of no one telling me their plans when they concern me, no one has told me their plans recently which concern me. my brother, who had made many plans not to come to baltimore is coming to visit me before i'm interred, err... committed, err, admitted, yeah, tomorrow. sometime. between noon and midnight. i think he's in cable installation now. my boss who, at last word, had planned on recommending me to be promoted to a real developer (only a year and 3 months later, what turnover!) didn't. because (essentially) he says i talked on aim too much. is this suddenly negative reinforcement in the workplace? you be the judge. other than that... i don't know what my schedule is for when i'm in the hospital... what kind of work i'm supposed to be doing, what kind of money i'm supposed to be making, etc. etc. i ask these questions, don't get me wrong. i just don't get the answers. or i'm thinking about that chainmail chick maybe, and not paying attention, i don't know. it's hard to tell sometimes on percocet. people are being really nice to me all of a sudden... why is that i wonder? i mean, i've had this for months and months... it's not as if now that i know what it is it's suddenly something different. i guess it's that whole personal reality thing now... now people actually are thinking to themselves that i might not be around (which i will be, but no one seems to believe me...), but that requires a change in attitude towards someone. i never understood that... but hey, if i understand people greatly i'd probably be dating a sexy smart woman, instead of no one, hehe. well, enough krep for your reading pleasure today. check back again sooner or later.

1/16/2002 ben sigh, it's been another month hasn't it? i'm not being very good about this... even though there's only two people who read this, i'm sure they've had their collective panties in a bundle waiting for my latest post, no? at least i'm not dead yet... no? i do have cancer though, so they tell me. specifically, it's called ewing's sarcoma. it's a big lump in my leg, which is pretty cool at parties, at least, ones where i'm not trying to impress women. i get admitted in a week to johns hopkins, so at least i'm at the number one hospital in the country to get better. so, my faithful reader, i should have more time to post, as the rooms all have high speed internet connections. and i'm getting a laptop from work. maybe they'll get me this one? anywho, have work to do, more later.

12/16/01 muhgcee

America Signs "Self Interest" Treaty With Self

      Today, America officially signed a "Self Interest" treaty with itself, to justify cowering out of treaties in the future. Earlier in the week, America backed out of the "Anti-Balistic Missile" treaty so that it could put up its missile shield.

      "We thought that being the most powerful country in the world wasn't enough.", said Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. "So, in order to make it even easier to push our global policy on whomever we want, we are building a national missile defense. The Anti-Ballistic missile treaty hindered our global domination objective, so we had to back out of it."

      To be able to justify backing out of the treaty, America later agreed to the "Self Interest" treaty with itself. This marks the first time in history that a country has signed a treaty with itself. The treaty states that there will be no punishment on the United States by the United States for backing out of treaties. Minutes later, the United States backed out of the "Self Interest" treaty, citing the "Self Interest" treaty as justification for doing so.

12/07/2001 ben weh, that didn't go very well... i posted a record 3 days in a row then disappeared for nearly a month! you must all be wondering what rabbit hole i fell into. i know, i know, she was only gone an afternoon, but let's run with what we've got, ok? anywhere, let's see, i spent most of last week out... went to duclaw on thursday, woodbridge on friday, d.c. on saturday, then to sonar on sunday and monday... maybe you saw me there. certainly not many other people did. i have a whole boatload of new links up now, over in the links section oron (prn. or-own) over at eastcoasthappy is a cool guy, met him at sonar on sunday.

ok, so then... my posting gem... what makes it worthwhile for me to post here, to the six or seven eighths of you who read this? well, for one thing, it's my home page, and should be yours too, it loads in a jiff, and when you're looking at it every time you open up a browser, you get kind of ticked when it's always the same. secondly... everyone should have a forum to post their thoughts, without any fear of someone saying anything back. <ed.s note here... i did have fear for a while, but having posted my email address all over the place, but no one has emailed me to date. not. one. person. that's all> so, to that end, anyone that does want to post... you know who you are... join in. if you have some good graph-des tools to fix that stupid banner... you're more than welcome to do that too... i did it in paint, and this site in code, in interdev... so... what we've got can be built up, if you want in. the hot tub's warmed up... no, not that way, sickos... the shrimp's on the barbie, the pints are just the right temp, so have at it. email me and i'll set you up.

12/03/2001muhgcee Its a good thing I went to my Psychology lecture this morning. I now can understand the reasoning that I use on most mornings when I wake up at 7:45 and think, "Screw it, we never learn anything in that class anyway. I'll just wake up for Physics." OK, so maybe I am thinking something more like, "Fuck, I'm tired. I think I am just going to go back to . . . zzzzzzzz." But, either way you look at it, I can see why it ends up being a good thing that I don't go to Psychology most mornings, and here's why:

Today, I came into class and the professor put on a video. I thought, "Well, the professor isn't really trying too hard . . . but, at least I am learning something here." After about 20 minutes of watching the video, the professor had a guest come in. He was some doctor or something. And he wanted to make us his bitch us to fill out some stupid survey to help with his research. I thought, "Well, this is a complete waste of my time, but I guess I'll fill the damn thing out." So I get the questionarre . . . 11 pages long. Fuck. Whatever, I started filling the damn thing out with the hope that I would soon complete it and so would everyone else and we could get on with what is supposed to be the purpose of coming to lecture . . . I don't think I need to tell you what that purpose is.

I get to somewhere around question 30 . . . and the questions start REPEATING THEMSELVES. Way to be efficient here . . . I fill out a few of the repeated questions. Damn, there are a lot of the same questions here. Yep, I've answered that one about 2 times already. It is starting to get to me. I flip through the rest of the packet, and see a large amount of the same questions. There must be about 4 of each one. Here is my solution:

21) Do you often get angry in heavy traffic?
22) Are you sure?
23) Are you sure?
24) Don't fuck with me here. You damn well better be sure.
At this point, I realized that I was not a 4 legged little rodent usually referred to as a "guinea pig", or a "gay man's hampster 'upgrade'". So, I wrote on the front of the questionarre, "I don't come to class to fill out a packet full of repeating questions. I come to class to learn." I left the packet on the desk and left. Basically, I wasted a couple of hours of my damn day just to become some doctor's bitch, get pissed about it and leave.

Don't get me wrong, I like most of college. But there are certain things like that which piss me off. In highschool, I expect to come into class and waste a lot of time. In fact, I would have been disappointed if some of my teachers had decided not to do that. I came to class to get a couple hours of sleep that I had missed out on the night before. But, in college, I am paying for this. Plus, the curriculum in college actually matters at some point. I don't want to come to class if the professor is just going to lend me out to one of her doctor friends so I can be his bitch.

Anyway, enough of my ranting for at least a couple of days, or paragraphs, depending on when I find something to bitch about again.
