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10/31/2001 muhgcee Jesse Jackson is now officially, in my book at least, the smartest man of all time.

I was over at DrudgeReport when I saw a link to an article titled "JESSE JACKSON CALLS FOR CANCELLATION OF HALLOWEEN...". The firs thing I thought was, "Damn it, not Jesse Jackson again." The second thing I thought was, "He is such a moron." But, the third and most important thing that I thought right after reading that title was, "That is so going on beneasilyamuseshimself.tricom.pod." Or maybe I was thinking, "Man, Jennifer Lopez is really hot." But, when you get right down to it, it doesn't really matter when I thought of posting about that article, just as long as it was soon enough that I would forget to think about posting about that article . . . or something.

Anyway, by the second sentence of his little write-up, my thoughts of Jesse Jackson being an idiot were confirmed. "The smoke still smolders a month later."

smol·der also smoul·der (smldr)
intr.v. smol·dered, mol·der·ing, smol·ders
To burn with little smoke and no flame.
Good job, Jesse. The smoke is now . . . burning (burning smoke?) . . . with little or no . . . smoke. Right.

"The president says we need to get on with our lives, and he is right.", says the Reverand. Then he goes on to say, "I'd say that we should cancel Halloween, take off the masks, stop the door-to-door visits, and spend the night with our families." So, if the prez is right about getting on with our lives, then even Jesse would have to admit (but he wouldn't) that he is wrong.

I would go on further with this little schpeel if it weren't for Physics class. Damn it . . .

New interactive easilyamusing! Go make fun of Jackson yourself!

10/30/2001 ben another weekend, another trip to nyc and i got a parking ticket. i know i deserved it... it was the edge of a bus stop... and a bus passed me by while i was getting out of the car. i know you're all (yes, both of you) going to hate me for this, but i didn't figure that the cops wouldn't have anything better to do than ticket an old blue saturn on 185th street... anyhow, news: i'm not going to los angeles after all (i was going to la you say?) this weekend... but instead, most of the womens are meeting up with me to go to decadence on saturday. should be interesting. my last rave type event was starscape, and hell, i don't even remember when that was... i'm working on another feature... it should be up soon. until then, ta

10/26/2001muhgceeAn interesting interaction today . . . I knew my car was probably short on oil because the "check oil" light was on. (That's usually a good indicator that you have low oil.) So, I pull into a gas station that is one of those gas stations with the repair thing attached to it. One would venture to think that they might know what the hell they are talking about especially when we are talking about something as trivial as OIL.

So, I walk in, start perusing the very small selection of oil that they have. Hmm . . . no synthetic oil I see. Quick sidenote. Even if you have never heard of synthetic oil before, lets see if you can figure out what it is . . . Lets start by breaking it down into its component pieces that make up the phrase "synthetic oil". First, we have "synthetic". I am sure all of you know that synthetic means not of natural origin, or man-made. Next word: "oil". OK, oil is oil. Its that simple. So now we have man-made oil. Easy enough for even the car moron, right? Right! But not easy enough for someone who really should know what he is talking about when it comes to cars. And back to the story. So, I figure, "Well, this is a car repair place, they've got to have some synthetic oil that I can use." So, I ask the dude behind the counter (looks like one of those 18-19 year old dudes that is working the register so maybe one day he can get in good with the company and be an auto mechanic) if he has any synthetic oil. Kinda like what I did with e.magination except I was looking more along the lines of computer tech and I didn't deal with registers.

"Synthetic oil?", he says. He then proceeds to walk in front of the register to look what I am looking at. I then inform him that there isn't any there. "What's synthetic oil?" he asks. If he couldn't figure it out by descriptive word in front of "oil", I wasn't going to try. So, I told him that it was really good oil that usually costs about $5-6/quart. He then informed me that they didn't have any, which has to be untrue if they ever do any oil changes at that place because somebody (like me) is going to specifically ask for synthetic . . .

Anyway . . . that's just my bitching rant of the day. Kinda like the day that my big bro walked into High's DAIRY store only to find that they didn't have any American cheese . . .

ben wow, lots and none at all... story of my life. i have lots to do at work, and at the moment, i can do none at all. Been very popular on ICQ recently however... i've been added to or talked at by about a half dozen people per day lately. i'm trying to get people to switch over to that from *bleah* aim. speaking of which, one of the possible changers lives in new york, the nosebleed section of manhatten. going up there today. it's open season on the turnpike i hear... gonna find me a muffler.
good lord, don't know why i'm so out of it today... i'll return soon when i have something to say i guess.

10/24/2001ben yeah so at work our network is down, so i have some free time to update here. The totally nondescript car of driving + 1 is at the shop today... free tires and tune up are not to be scoffed at. i hope... so this is like, the most non eventful day ever... don't have to worry about work, cause there is none. don't have to worry about my engine fusing into a solid lump of steel, aluminum and iron, cause i'm driving hello Mother's big green tank. maybe i can whip myself into an anxious fury over tomorrow? those of you in the know... um, i guess that's just me... never mind. note to self: stop making references to things no one has ever heard of

10/23/2001 muhgcee OK, first of all, you all should go check out It is where I got my start on Interweb.

OK, I lied, I did have a <sarcasm>pimp ass </sarcasm> NBA Live 96 site. But you really didn't want to see that. It sucked real bad.

But, you know what doesn't suck!?!?

So what was the point of this post really? Well, I guess three things -

  • pimp out
  • Get some new reading material on the site so you all don't jump ship and start going to some "other" site. You will soon realize that this site is the only site on Internet that you need to go to. We've got your useless information that you don't give a shit about, a pink teddy bear, and umm . . . umm . . . HEY! LOOK OVER THERE!!!
  • I thought I would figure out something else to write about while I was pimping

Oh, and stop flooding my inbox with your whines of desperation about how you want your Rudolph Giuliani feature!! I am only one man. Give me a break. The feature will be up in another couple of days (read: 1 to 2 weeks).

10/19/2001ben blech. haven't updated in a while. been playing this wicked cool new game, bejewelled. it rocks... and eats up a lot of time. I'm thinking that most of you (that's right, both of you...) need to spend some time doing something else if you've been checking this site everyday. go here here or here... they're much more entertaining than this. go away! leave! that's right! i don't want your traffic! and stop puking on my lawn! damn kids... no respect these days. Just kidding, i love ya, just not feeling too creative today. i have to stop passing out at 9 o'clock... snicker.

10/15/2001muhgcee Expect a big feature in the next few days involving Rudolph Giuliani, knights, hand grenades, Monty Python, and large explosions. While it will be funny, you will probably read it and say, "Why the hell did I waste my time reading that piece of trash?"

Hardcore muhgcee is now a hardcore Ruby Tuesday server.
*blinks to express all of the pent up excitement about new job*
Well . . . its a job, thats all that matters. Now I can buy even more computer shit that there is really no point in me having. But, of course, I need it.

ben Today's posting brought to you by the letters: dumbas and s. We're in the process of putting up some more pages, for both of you to peruse. If you find and mail them to me, i'll put up your "under construction" icons... if they're cool.

10/12/2001ben damn, i feel like ass today... just pure pain all through my torso and head. super! thanks for asking! so i'm going to do a lot of work, then put up a new page in here, for edm. you have to know the password to get in, because i don't want all you freaks to go around flipping through my site and saying that i shouldn't have that kind of crap, if you don't like it, don't read it, that's all there is to it. damn... i'm even short tempered with people in imaginary conversations today. hey druggist! give me a box of midol... and it's for me!

10/11/2001 muhgcee - This is now my first post on beneasilyamuseshimself.tricom.pod. Like any of you four (myself, Ben, and the two people that get here by accident via a search engine result) actually care.

See! I told you that little bastard Bert was behind all of this! Beat that little felt son-of-a-bitch if you ever see him. You know what else will help? Next time you see him on TV, start beating your TV. Whats that you say? There are glass shards piercing into your skin? Take the pain for the sake of America!

Oh, I take it you still don't believe me that Bert is evil? Well then . . . go to this site that barely works.

I think I was going to say something else to but it was probably dumb so I am not too worried about it.

happy puppy? ben - my my but the get fuzzy strips have been poignant lately. satchel is the coolest pup in the world. i want him for my very own, heheh. maybe he and ass tractor would even get along. nahhhhhhhhhh.

10/10/2001 ok, so... lots of stuff going on... not much to say about here though, other than i couldn't log in to post yesterday, but other than that, life's grand. i'm gonna put up some more of the links that suck i have a feeling that y2khai is going to be allllll over that one... hehe. also, i added in the javascript at the top, you can jump to any of the days in the current month, and it does it automatically!

10/9/2001 muhgcee is going to start putting things on here today or later. Cuz homeboy's a producer that can rock tha mike too. word. Oh, and we've done some reformatting of this part of the site, mainly because we can, and no one is around to complain.

10/8/2001 New definition for incongruous: American flags on import cars. If you're going to have a tacky display of your newfound patriotism, at least do it on a car that represents your ideas as well. Now, as my roomate pointed out, yes many japanese cars are manufactured here, but saab? my favorite though was the yugo on the delaware bridge on sunday... doing 30... with the flag flapping out of the hatchback. Anyhow, this site has some interesting information on it. now, back to our regularly scheduled inanity.

10/5/2001 IMPORTANT UPDATE!!! Ass Tractor has come back! Yes folks, after only 24 hours of meandering around the web, my loveable, faithful mascot has returned... and not delivered the email i sent... oh well, so much for hoping. It's 10:35 now... do you know where your ass tractor is?

By Popular demand.... of one... we have a new mascot here at EasilyAmusing. Yes folks, it's the great, the wise, the dancing, the ASS TRACTOR. He's good people.

new link:here. it's the best of the worst award.

yeah, i've reached my first .1 megabyte of space used here! ye gods what will i do with the other 49.9? stop saying pr0n!!!

10/4/2001 so when i was in the shower this morning, i was thinking for some reason about writing a story about a schizophrenic person (don't know if he's a she or not yet), written about both of them (or more), leading different lives. i know, i know, it sounds like fight club, but hey, it could be a different story. who knows... anyhow, i'm off to go plan more of this place... maybe more changes will arrive.

oh yeah. you're probably not, but if you're saying to yourself "Self, why did this pogue name his site easilyamusing? Isn't there some dumber, more fitting name for him?" well, i'll answer for yourself on this one; it's because redassedbaboon was taken. i think. ok, i didn't actually check, but give me some credit would you? damn... tough crowd.

i've started building some internal pages. they don't have anything yet either, but at least i'm being consistent. maybe i'll start playing with scripts... i have a cgi-bin folder here, anything you want to see? so far i think muhgcee is the only person that has been here, and he usually tells me on aim, so i guess this was a waste of space anyhow.

10/3/2001 my friend muhgcee (he's the one that told me to put this site up) says now i have to have pictures. If you want any pictures up here, send me a stamped, self addressed email and i'll put them up here. probably. now if you'll excuse me, it's 8 a.m., and my hangover is about to begin. Slainté. I was sick once... it felt like this:

10/2/2001 I just slapped this up, Tuesday October 2, 2001... if you have anything you want to tell me, send it to me and I'll get back to you.
