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11/28/2001muhgcee As you may have, but probably haven't, read over at, I have quit my job at Ruby Tuesday to make more time for school. But, most importantly, quitting makes more time for me to lead a stupid life and therefore I will have more to write about on here.

One of the stupid things I will be doing is registering a new domain and then doing absolutely nothing with it for months because I will be too busy posting on here, posting on, and working on a site that actually isn't just a complete load of BS. But, I won't tell you what that is yet. Because, even though the domain for that site is already registered, I know how obsessed you damn people are over me. If I tell you the domain, you will just check it five times a day like you do this site and, and it just won't do you any good.

Another completely useless thing I will be doing in the near future will be putting up a file server with 4 60GB hard drives in a 0+1 RAID. This equates to 120GB of mirrored, striped goodness. Why do I need all of this space? I don't know. I probably don't. But, I won't have to worry about running out of space, now will I? Certaintly not. I can store as many mp3s on there as I want, and I plan to convince my roomate to encode his DVDs at the highest bitrate able to be streamed over the network. Even if I don't use all of that space, I am just going to plain enjoy setting all of that stuff up. Next in line is the living room computer. That will account for computer number 11 in the house. That is until our own dude on the couch (you know, like the one from Half Baked) moves out in a couple of weeks. Then he will take his laptop and dual MP setup with him. Back down to 9 computers for 3 people! Damn it!

Oh yeah, on a side note, all you damn crazy people need to stop e-mailing me with things like "I LUV YU SEW MUCH STU WHY DONT YOU POST MORE i LIVE TO READ WHAT YOU WRITE ON BENEASILYAMUSESHIMSELF.TRICOM.POD." And, yes, I get about seven or eight of those a day. VERY annoying. I don't even know how you damn people get my e-mail address. I mean, really, who would have guessed that my e-mail address was

On a completely unrelated note, I have spent the last 20 minutes or so waiting for my compiler to compile. Yes, you heard right, I have to compile my compiler before it will work. Evidently, it is compiling itself with . . . itself. The sad part is that I am a computer science major so I will probably have to actually understand this shit in a couple of years. Yuk. Linux is too damn complicated sometimes. I guess thats why Windows is geared towards idiots for the most part. To install something in Windows, all you have to do is double click on something, click next 3 times, agree to sell your sole to Microsoft in a 105 page agreement, click next 4 more times, agree to install Bonzi Buddy, Real Player, AOL, MSN, and Juno, and *poof*, the program is installed. In Linux, you actually have to like read stuff and shit like that. There aren't even any stupid checkboxes! By installing Linux, I wanted to get away from the operating system that was built for idiots, but I didn't expect to have to like read, and follow instructions. Oh well, I guess you can't win them all. I certainly can't.

ben so it's almost 9, and still nothing for me to do here... so i'm posting, of course. good ways to kill some time: etch-a-sketch online!
if you have quicktime, click the charades trailer.
ok, so i stole them from, but still... anywho... i promised, like, a lot of you that i was going to put something up, i know i know... but it's not coming yet... more word soon.

11/15/2001 ben fear me posting 3 days in a row... i might be underemployed. i wanted to warn you now, this is my speak and spell "my first web page" experiment site... hence the sloppy drek you see around here. anyhow, my roomate is out of the time zone for a month or so, and i was at home last night, writing. i realized that it's a lot harder to put what you mean down on paper, rather than what you think people want to hear. writing about what matters to me smushes dried leaves in my mouth, but when i just want to blather on, as i do here, and elsewhere, i can go for hours... ever wonder why it is that we're so comfortable talking about things that don't really matter? are we told to? is it natural to want to cover up our thoughts with blasé utterances, or are we taught early on that if we open these up to review, we will not be accepted? agh... so many questions, have to worry about them later.
anyhow, i promised a few of you some short fiction, but it's far from done, it looks like it might be longer fiction... still just as bad, but there will be more of it.

ok, surprise surprise, i have something more to put up... it's in the "ME" section

11/14/2001 muhgcee Holy crap - This is the first time in a while that both of us have posted on the same day. Well, then, when you woke up this morning and did your ritual of loading up beneasilyamuseshimself.tricom.pod, you weren't really even expecting one post, were you? What a treat!!

Onto the real news. Today's subject:

The Importance of Kale to America's Gourmet Chicken Tender Dishes

You see, at the wonderful restaurant that I work at, it is not only really important to put this green, leafy, not-meant to be eaten substance on all the plates to make them look more appealing than I am sure they taste (sidenote: I haven't eaten anything there since I have worked there), but it is even more important to make sure we have 3 bins of it kept in stock AT ALL TIMES. Just how important is it? Evidently it is important enough that we should ignore our customers at our tables to make sure we have plenty of this shit stocked up. Because, of course it can't wait until we are off of our shift and don't have any customers to wait on. Nope, at least to my wonderful bitch of a co-worker. Here I am, running around the damn restaurant trying to wait on the jackasses of customers that come in, and the bitch has the nerve to tell me, and yell at me, every 5-10 minutes to put more kale in the fridge.

And, believe me, these customers are a bunch of damn jackasses. Typical conversation with a customer:

me: Hi, my name is . . .
jackass: I'd like an iced tea
me: *begrudgingly gets iced tea*
jackass: *leaves 10% tip after sitting there for 1.5 hours*
So, yep, thats pretty much the extent of my stupid job. Anyone got a better job for me? E-mail me here.

ben aah! postpet hasn't died! despite being unused, unfed and never returning since... well, since i first got it, the people at the company tell me:

Well if your PostPet program has expired, do you know that your pet has not abandoned you at all, but is lurking somewhere inside your PC, waiting for you to bring it back to your desktop, waiting for you to feed it?
wait a minute! it was supposed to be on an entirely different pc! now it's here? this is terrible! well, ok, so ass tractor is our mascot here, but he's not supposed to be lurking, virally stealing and munching on my pr0... err... wholesome .jpg files!
for more on asstractor and that whole debacle, check out the first feature on the right.

11/12/2001 ben Non Laggy CNN Site about today's Crash. I figured you all might want to be able to keep up quickly...

okay... okay... i just have to post this... i'm doing a new feature... oh my good lord and butter... it's... yellow... and it's the universe people. that's all i'm saying so far, wouldn't want to ruin the surprise.

11/08/2001 ben sigh... i was just looking through here and wondering what to write about, then i went to adam's site and posted this:
so i was looking through my music files to see what all i had. a year of downloading, erasing, downloading some more, burning to cd, rinse wash and repeating and i didn't really have a good idea. I really do have a pink floyd cd on here, and portishead too... not 2 days after i just told someone that i don't have either one. then last night i said that i hadn't seen any other tiburons in our parking lot to |z|, because he drives essentially this one. and i walk out to the parking lot to find a black one parked 2 cars from my car. i guess no one can be right all the time, ehh? heheh, thbbt :P
i can't decide if this falls under spur of the moment or a brain fart. i could find the time, maybe i'd learn how to do an email script, and ask you. whee.

11/06/2001 muhgcee Just when I started to think that the people of the world weren't stupid anymore (As you can see by the lack of content from the past few days), I was pleased to find that people surely are as stupid as they have always been. *whew* I was getting worried there for a second.

Evidently it is now a sueable (sp?) offense to unintentionally embarrass someone. That is exactly what happened to Dennis Rodman at a Las Vegas Casino. He rubbed his dice on the dealer. Clearly just trying for some good luck, right? Wrong!

He was trying to embarrass the dealer! Of course that is what he was trying to do!

OK, so even if the dealer grossly misinterpreted the act, he can just move on with his life, because there is nothing he can do about it anyway. But then, he remembers one important fact. He lives in America. That means that the judicial system is just as stupid as he is.

So, the little bastard gets $300,000 in damages . . . What a damn jackass. And what makes this even worse is that all this happened in 1997 . . . it took the man and the judicial system 4 years to get all of this done. Maybe he should sue himself for $300,000 for embarrassing himself so much for suing Rodman for this crap . . .
